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Filename in e-mail

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138

I have created a custom submit button to e-mail my PDFS to specific locations. I'm using the this.mailDoc function. It works great, however when it attaches the file it uses the filename plus it adds - Adobe Acrobat Professional.pdf to the end.


scr12345.pdf would e-mail as scr12345.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Professional.pdf

How can I remove the - Adobe Acrobat Professional.pdf from the end of attachment so when my e-mail appears it would be attached as scr12345.pdf?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sarah Copley

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Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Interesting, I never noticed that before. It seems that Acrobat appends this text onto the end of the file when the PDF has been modified, but not saved. If you save the file, it does not send with "Adobe Acrobat Professional.pdf" appended to the end of the email attachment.

Thom Parker
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Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138
I see what you are saying. This form is routed electronically to capture approval signatures.

The flow is to electronically sign the document then hit a submit button to go to the next person in the approval process. Could I set it to execute a save right before the mailDoc function is activated?

Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Well, the "saveAs" JavaScript function is privileged, so running it from the submit script on the PDF would mean that the user is presented with a SaveAs dialog. Saving it silently requires a privileged context. If you could distribute a folder level script to everyone in the approval process, then you could perform the save silently. In fact, if it's possible to setup everyone in the approval process, you could provide each of them with a "Sign and Submit" button on thier toolbar. This might give you options for additional control over the process.

Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
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Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138
Unfortunately there 50 plus people that would be affected and the names are changing constantly. Not to mention that the workstations are locked down so no installs can take place. It would have to be contained within the document.

I guess we will have to live extra wording on the end.

Thanks for your help.

Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
thomp wrote:
Interesting, I never noticed that before. It seems that Acrobat appends this text onto the end of the file when the PDF has been modified, but not saved. If you save the file, it does not send with "Adobe Acrobat Professional.pdf" appended to the end of the email attachment.Thom Parker
I recognized the phenomenom to.
I appears on Acrobat and also Reader when a form has been filled and is emailed without being saved before.
I generally bypass the problem by use a save button, that has be used first before the mail button appears.
Because the DocumentFileName property is read only, I found no other way to handle the problem.

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Registered: Nov 6 2008
Posts: 31
radzmar wrote:
I recognized the phenomenom too.
I appears on Acrobat and also Reader when a form has been filled and is emailed without being saved before.
I generally bypass the problem by using a save button, that has to be used first before the mail button appears.
Because the DocumentFileName property is read only, I found no other way to handle the problem.
You shined a light down a very long, dark tunnel for me! I am a rookie, trying to find a way to have the user name the form file being sent to avoid confusion. How do you require a button be used before another button can be triggered?
Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138
I have had the same problem with forms being e-mailed without the correct filename.

Since we have a set naming convention that is based off the value of a form field, I set up a Javascript to test the filename prior to submission. If the filename does not match it prompts the user to save the file with the correct name and gives them what the filename should be.

Hope this helps.