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Finding text based off of a Quad

Script Kitty
Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 19

I know how to find a quad from text, but is there any function that returns all of the text within a quad? I am looking for a certain id that always in the same location on each page, however, regular expressions wont work because there are several similar ids on that page elsewhere.

EDIT: I will give someone 10$ via paypal if they can give me a usable* answer and "Its not possible" with references to why is also acceptable.

Script Kitty
Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 19
I am using a function that searching through all of the words in the document, getting their quad and comparing it to within a defined percentage to the desired quad.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Your workaround is the only way to do it right now, as the concept of what is "in" a quad is very hard to turn into an API method. You may be looking through transparent layers, and with hidden elements below. Text may stray over the edges of the quad, or be made up of several unconnected characters in a strange tag order instead of a composite word, so any function would need the ability to interpret context in a human way.

(and our replies are free, it's all part of the service)
Script Kitty
Registered: Jul 9 2010
Posts: 19
Would it be useful to post it to the tutorials once I finish? (It's in c#)