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finding type written pages and multiple word searches simultaneously

Registered: Jan 14 2007
Posts: 4

I review thousands pages medical records that have been converted with OCR to PDFS. I need
to review pages that were typewritten -not hand written notes. Is thee a way to locate and segregate all of these pages before I begin the review?
Also, I have twenty key words I need to see in context. Is there a way to search for all words at one time instead of entering each individually in search box?
I use state of art hardware, acrobat 8 professional. Will obtain additional software if helpful.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Hopefully your pdf collection has bookmarks and were properly tagged in the authoring application.

Try these Javascripts as mouse up button actions:

Example 1

var bkmName = app.response({
cQuestion: "Enter the name of the bookmark to find",
cTitle: "Bookmark Search and Execute"
if ( bkmName != null ) {
var bkm = searchBookmarks(this.bookmarkRoot, 0, bkmName );
if ( bkm != null ) bkm.execute();
else app.alert("Bookmark not found");

Example 2
Searches through the document for the word “Acrobat” and create a link around that word. Note: you can modify this script to eliminate the URL address.

for (var p = 0; p < this.numPages; p++)
var numWords = this.getPageNumWords(p);
for (var i=0; i

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