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form fields

Registered: Apr 13 2007
Posts: 2

how can I create a result in field 3 (a fee) based on a selection made in field 1 (a drop list) and a cash value in field 2?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Declan,

The solution is different depending if this is for a LiveCycle XFA form or an Acrobat Acroform (the scripting engine is different for each).

If this is for an AcroForm take a look at these articles on JavaScript Corner here at for scripting in combo boxes and field calculations-




If it is for a LiveCycle XFA form there is an excellent example provided in the Sample Library of the Designer program (open Designer, click on Explore Sample Forms in the opening splash screen then navigate to Purchase Order ->Dynamic INteractive ->Forms -> PurchaseOrder.pdf) You can examine the scripts used for the fields in the script window (Window ->Script Editor)Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions