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Form losing reader extensions

Registered: Dec 6 2007
Posts: 28

I have a form (made in Livecycle) that is losing its reader extensions when i try to save it. I'm pretty sure it is due to the way I implemented localiztion in my form (I have it looping through the DOM looking for field captions to change).

Is there any way around this problem? I tried calling xfa.form.remerge(); right before saving, but this didnt seem to change anything.

Anyone have any ideas?



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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Any changes made to a PDF that are outside the changes that are explicitly permitted by the Reader Extensions will invalidate the document. Changing captions will definately do this. The solution is this case is to make the captions form data, which is permissible to change.

Remove all captions from the fields you what to change. Place ReadOnly form fields in all the location where the old field captions appeared.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Dec 6 2007
Posts: 28
To be clear, by read only form fields do you mean the "Text Field" object? Right now I have a mixture of objects, "Text", "Radio Button", "Text Field", etc. You're saying everywhere I have text i want localized to change it to a "text field" object and change its rawValue instead of caption.whatever?

There is no way to just reset the form back to its original state? No way to do saveXML() or anything at the beginning and use this to re-create the form before saving?

I have no necessary need to save the new form state once it starts being modified. It all happens on the fly anyway...