I am looking for some help on how to change the document background color (not just on my machine) for a PDF that will launch in full screen mode. I am designing this for a very high-profile client and have tried a document level script:
app.fs.backgroundColor = color.white;
But this does not work if the file automatically launches in full screen mode...it just defaults to black. (I am a graphic designer just learning javascript).
Any thoughts?
First, you must save user settings :
global.abracatete = app.fs.clickAdvances; // avance au clic - clic advance
global.abracatiti = app.fs.cursor; // curseur - cursor
global.abracatoto = app.fs.escapeExits; // touche ESC - ESC key
global.abracatutu = app.fs.loop; // mode boucle - looping mode
global.abracafafa = app.fs.useTimer; // defilement des pages - duration
global.abracafefe = app.fs.defaultTransition; // transition
global.abracafifi = app.fs.backgroundColor; // couleur de fond - background color
Then, change user preferences :
app.fs.clickAdvances = false ; // avance au clic - clic advance
app.fs.cursor = cursor.hidden; // curseur - cursor
app.fs.escapeExits = true; // touche ESC - ESC key
app.fs.loop = true; // mode boucle - looping mode
app.fs.useTimer = true; // defilement des pages - duration
app.fs.defaultTransition = "WipeLeft"; // transition
app.fs.backgroundColor = color.white; // couleur de fond - background color
app.fs.timeDelay = 5; // delai en secondes - delay in seconds
app.fs.isFullScreen = true;