I have a list in a combobox, each item has an export value.
How do I make the export value for a combobox to change before the keystroke event, or how do I get the export value from the item that is being selected?
If I put the code below in the keystroke event for the combobox it prints the value that was before the selection from the combobox was made, I need the export value from the selected item.
To see how all of this happens, try the following code in the custom keystroke script:
console.println("field value: " + this.getField("MyComboBox").value);
console.println("event value: " + event.value);
console.println("event changeEx: " + event.changeEx);
You will also need to set the combo box to 'commit immediately' and use the up and down arrow keys to select the option.
More information about events and event properties is contained in the Acrobat JS API Reference.
George Kaiser