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Goto Page # possible?

Registered: May 24 2007
Posts: 4

Is there an api command to jump to a specific page #? Im currently using this.bookmarkRoot.children[xx] to have my inlined links jump to a specific bookmark page but i would prefer to just jump to the correct page #. Can this be done thru the acrobat javascript api.


Registered: Sep 2 2007
Posts: 25
From the JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference, pg. 254:


Go to the first page of the document.
this.pageNum = 0;

Advance the document to the next page.

Note that this is zero-based numbering. The first page of the
document is page zero and this numbering continues to the
end of the document. Since a PDF can restart the page numbers
for different sections of a document, this number may be very
different from what is shown on the screen in the Acrobat
page number display.

I hope this helps,