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Help with forms issue

Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 4

I am building a form that will interface with a SQL db, this db allows me to use Parent.child.Hierachy lines in the form and as well Java. my problem is that this form is a three page long, the first page allows me to enter data via combobox, txt bodys and links and attachments. when this is summited the system (db) will allow me to make this form "read only or not", the information in this page can not be altern or change so we use read only. but I need to be able to open the attachment, wich is also copy on the sencond page of the form, but it does not allow me to open because is a read only in page 1.... any help in this matter is welcome..
PS I am new in adobe form...

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Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Is this form LiveCycle or AcroForm? LiveCycle forms are built in LiveCycle Designer. AcroForms are built in Acrobat.

There are 2 ways to attach files to a PDF, in an attachment annotation, or with the attachment panel. Annotations are on a page, and the file is accessed by clicking on the file attachment annot (usually a paper clip). The attachment panel attaches files at the document level. Attachments do not have a page association. Which method are you using?

There is no concept of "ReadOnly" for an entire PDF document or a PDF Page. This is only a concept at the form field level. What exactly do you mean by "make this form read only"? If you mean that all the form field are read only, then this has nothing to do with attachments.

Can you post this PDF, both the pre and post ReadOnly version, to a location where we can download and look at it?

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 4

First, thanks for your time and reply, the form is AcroForm, and the read only is part of the of the SQL db which can make the pages read only by pages...
Well here is my e-mail and I be more than happy to send you an attachment... caleb.nazario at jetblue dot com...

