I am a total Noob with Javascript so I apologize for asking obvious questions. I am using Acrobat 4.0.
I want different form fields to be visible based on a count of how many are visible already.
In a Button field, that makes another field visible, I thought I could put the following in my "Mouse up action" on each field to be counted:
A Show/Hide field action
and a Javascript action of:
x = x+1
And then in a test Text Form Field I put this in the Custom Calculate Action :
event.value = x;
The test Text field will only update if I click in it, and then hit enter and then click somewhere else on the document. I figure I need it to update on its own as X increases with each press of other fields.
How can I get he value of X to update without me clicking in and out of my test field? Or even do I need to for the final phase as described below:
I haven't figured out the finale bit of Show this field if count is => than x, yet, but I see examples of that on the web.
Calculated fields should be set to read-only, since it does not make sense to allow a user to attempt to edit it.
Since I don't really understand what you're trying to accomplish, it's difficult to suggest a more specific approach. In general, though, you should use JavaScript to show/hide the fields when the buttons are clicked, as opposed to using show/hide field actions. This will give you the control I think you need. What is supposed to happen if the user clicks the button again and the field it controls becomes hidden? You may want to provide more details about how you've set up the fields and what needs to happen.