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How to avoid alerts in dialog?

Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 7

My problem is that when I try to exec custom dialog from document level script (created in Livecycle) it displays dialog but with notifications...
In manual is written:
"Note: To distinguish Acrobat dialog boxes from those created by JavaScript, dialog boxes that are added at the document level have a title of “JavaScript Dialog” and display the text “Warning: JavaScript Dialog” at the bottom."
Is there any possibility to avoid these notifications? (As I know there is no possibility to add a menu item with dialog caller function or to create trusted function from document level script) I don't want actually to create *.js file in javascripts folder in acrobat or something similar, because this script must be inside a pdf document...

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
There is no way to show a dialog box without these notifications.
It's because of security settings.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Nov 5 2009
Posts: 7
I know it...but maybe there are some cheats...and somebody knows them
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Adobe knows.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
It is possible if you create a trusted function in an Acrobat/Reader application folder and have the 'app.alert' not have the 'warning'. But this will require the function being placed on each user's Acrobat/Reader's application JavaScript folder.

Application folder function:
trustedAlert = app.trustedFunction( function (cMsg, nIcon, nType, cTitle){// default missing parametersif (nIcon == undefined) nIcon = 0;if (nType == undefined) nType = 0;if (cTitle == undefined) cTitle = '';// call method and capture selected button responsenButton = app.alert(cMsg, nIcon, nType, cTitle);return nButton; // return button response})

Test button code:
app.alert('Hello World!', 3, 0,'app.alert');if(trustedAlert == undefined){// missing application level functionapp.alert('Missing trusted function "trustedAlert".\nPlease contact forms administrator', 2, 0, "Missing Function Warning");} else {// use trusted functiontrustedAlert('Hello World!', 3, 0, "turstedAlert");}

George Kaiser