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How can I disable / hide the " Highlight Fields " box in a form

Registered: Aug 18 2010
Posts: 2

I have a doc that I need to either hide or disable the " Highlight Fields " box , so my students won't be able to see and identify the fields set up in the body of the text without discovering each one individually.

Any help or ideas on how to do this is very much appreciated !


-- Dan

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
app.runtimeHighlight = false;

Place it as a doc-level JavaScript.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can hide the highlighting, but the purple band with the check box will still remain. This box is only controllable through the application preferences UI and can not be manipulated by JavaScript.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jun 5 2008
Posts: 1

I understand i can use the script:
app.runtimeHighlight = false;

I am currently running Acrobat Pro 9, but I am unsure where to place this script to make it work???

"Place it as a doc-level JavaScript" - where do i find this???.

Registered: Feb 9 2011
Posts: 4
Click on Advanced > Document Processing > Document Javscripts...
In the resulting window name your script, I used: DisableHighlighting click Add...
In the Javascript Editor window type:
function DisableHighlighting()
app.runtimeHighlight = false;
Click OK, click Close.
Save your document, try to open it in Reader... (Right click on it and select Read). Highlighting fields should be disabled.
Hope this helps.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
See Thom Parker's Entering Document Scripts.You do not need a function to make this work, jut the code on a line. If you want to be able to repeat the code through a check box of button form field on the form, then a function allows the repeating of this action. with a function you could toggle the display or force the display or hiding of the high lights. You can also change the high light color with the 'runtimeHighlightColor'

Note that changing either of these items could change the user's application preferences and many users do not appreciate this type of action. But it is possible to save the initial state of the these properties and restore them through the 'will close' action.

George Kaiser

Registered: Feb 9 2011
Posts: 4
You're right George, one line of code should do.
I did it this way so I can call the function when entering a section that to me it's very important not to be highlighted.
I call the function from the first text field onFocus event on this section.