Hi. Does anyone know how to have an interactive file where user enter hours and minutes, (In a timesheet, week period, for example) and there is a total field that updates automatically as follows?
1:45 + 2:50 SHOULD EQUAL 4:35 NOT 3.95
(I have to convert minutes (over 60) to hours)
Basically, minutes how to convert to hours when going over 60 minutes.
I am thinking that it might require some scripting (Java?) to do that?
My product information
Acrobat Pro9
then add those and 45 and 50 (60 + 120 + 45 + 50 = 275)
and the gained sum dived by 60 (275 / 60 = 4,583333...)
take the 4 to some variable (varA)
and the dividend multiply with 60 (0,583333... * 60 = 35)
take this 35 to some varB
This kind of procedure is called also as Mathematics...