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How to create an e-mail "link"

Registered: Apr 4 2007
Posts: 2

I am using Acrobat Professional 7. We have published a newsletter in the past with an e-mail address in the text. When you click on said address, our e-mail package (GroupWise) opens with that address in the To: box, ready for you to type a message.
Our support person who created said "link" has since retired and no one appears to know how this "link" was created. I am unable to find any way to edit the properties to investigate further.
I don't want to e-mail the .pdf file, just have the e-mail program open by clicking on the "link". Any thoughts?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Create or edit a Link, the link tool is on the "Advanced Editing" toolbar. In the Link Actions select an "Open a Web Link" action. Use the "mailto:" prefix on the URL, like this:

mailto:sales [at] mycompany [dot] com

Thom Parker
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