Well. Another question. I need something like a batch process, but I belive that the only way is using javascript.
The user will do this steps:
1 - Select "Advanced > Security > Create Security Enevelope";
2 - He wil select the files to attach. The files are all PDF in a folder in the user computer. Ex: C:\SEND_FILES
3 - He wil click "Next";
4 - He will select the envelope template to use. He will allways use the same template.
5 - He wil click "Next";
6 - He will select "Send the envelope later" and click "Next";
7 - He will select a Security Policy called "ToAll" and click "Next";
8 - He will click Finish
9 - He will save the file with the name "Closed_Envelope" allways in the same folder.
The user has Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard. This script should run when the user clicks a button in the document. The files added to the envelope will be this file and the files in the step 2.
Does anyone have any idea how create it? I looker for a tool to record my moves (like Winword) the I did no found.
I really need help.
1) Install a folder level script on the user's system that provides a trusted function for running the menu item.
2) Modify the user's registry to include this menu item on the white list. See this Blog entry:
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script