I am beginner in java script and I hope someone can help me. I am creating a "time sheet". I have a table with five columns.
The names of the columns in the first row in the table are: | feeRow.0.time | feeRow.0.typeOfFee | feeRow.0.premises | feeRow.0.premisesAddition
The format of field "" is yyyy-mm-dd
The format of field "feeRow.0.time" is hh:mm
1. Shall I use a Date object or a Calender object?
2. How do I do the conversion?
I am working with AcroForm. I have searched the Internet but not found what I am looking for. Hope you can help me!
You can use util.printd() to print a date object in a specific format.
Look in the reference file for more information.
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