First of all, I am using adobe 8 professional acroform and not a Javascript expert . The problem I am having is with my Javascript code on the submit button. What I am trying to do is loop through all the fields and change the border color to red if the field is missing and required and to black if something been enter. Everything seems to work except on a couple my text fields where I am making it numeric with a range of 0 to 100. When the number zero is enter into these fields the border color is not changing to black. Please let me know if you can help. My code is below:
This code is on my submit button:
app.runtimeHighlight = true;
for(var i=0;i
1. Use paranthesis to order the logical statements for the if.
if( (oFld.required & oFld.value == "") | (oFld.required & oFld.value == "Off") | ( oFld.required & oFld.value == 0) )2. Since you want only to process required fields add an if statement to only allow the testing of required fields:
if (oFld.required) {
if(oFld.value == "" | oFld.value == "Off" | oFld.value == 0)
oFld.borderColor =;
oFld.borderColor =;
} // end if required
3. Since Acrobat fields also support the "valueAsString" test all text field as a string and not value.
if (oFld.required) {
oFld.borderColor =; // assume requried and completed
if(oFld.valueAsString == "" | oFld.value == "Off")
oFld.borderColor =; // set exception
} // end if required
4. You may want to allow for text fields with a value of "Off" and adjust for fields that do not support the "required" property, like the "button" field.
George Kaiser