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how to hide/show a text field based on the export value of a check box

Registered: Jan 16 2008
Posts: 4

I have 8 questions that I set up as check boxes with Yes and No answers. I used the Parent.Child naming scheme.
so for example I have Question.1 with export value of Yes and export value of No
then I have Question.2 with export value of Yes and export value of No...etc.

If ANY of these 8 questions are answered "yes" i need certain text to appear "text 1". If not then I need this other text to appear "text 2".

I have been all over the website and have not found a script that uses the export values.

Can anyone help? My form is limited to two pages so I really need help.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you downloaded and looked at "JavaScript Corner - Hiding and Showing Form Fields" by Thom Parker, .

Instead of check the export value, he test to see if the check box is checked or not. This technique allows for more flexibility in functions within forms so one can gather unique data from a check box and provide form actions without knowing the export value or allows one to change the export value of the check box without having to reedit the JavaScript that could be located in more remote fields.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 14 2008
Posts: 33
I have a 4 page flowed, dynamic interactive form in LiveCycle Designer 8.0. I have 14 check boxes on the first page. I want an additional page to display at the back of the form (page 5) if the last check box is checked.

I've looked at Thom's article, put the code in, but it doesn't work. I've attached the code to the particular check box. I don't get an error. Nothing happens.

I've looked at the Sample. To me, it looks like the field that's displaying and hiding needs to be immediately after the field with the nHide variable attached???
How can I get the nHide variable to look for fields that are at the other end of the document?
Thanks and regards, Marion