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How to hide/unhide a graphic on a page

Registered: Jul 19 2010
Posts: 18

I have had PDF's with our company logo on them.
Now, my company has a new subsidiary, so I have to have a radio button/check box so that if selected, it will show the logo of the new subsidiary. The logo can just go on top of the area that has the current logo, so when printed, Human Resources will see that this person is from the subsidiary by seeing the logo. Naturally, if the user unchecks/deselects radio button, then the original corporate image is once again displayed.
What is the best way to do this? Your detailed help will be appreciated!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
I wouldn't go near a radio button as it brings in problems of JavaScript - simply use the watermarking tool or layers sidebar to import the new logo as a layer on top of the existing page.
Registered: Jul 19 2010
Posts: 18
yeah but I cant ask the user filling out the form in reader to do this.
The idea is, on the PDF, he/she will say what company he/she is from.
For example, most employees work for Halmar International, so that would be the default logo.
HOWEVER, if the user selects a checkbox/radio button or something saying they work for Halmar Builders, then the logo of Halmar Builders would be displayed, not the Halmar International one.

Hope this additional information clarifies things.
Thx, Mark
Registered: May 20 2006
Posts: 20
You could create a button that has your subsidiary's logo for the icon directly above the parent company's logo and set the initial view property of the button to hidden. Then create a Javascript with the 'display.visible' if the checkbox is selected and 'display.hidden if the checkbox is not selected.

Senior Forms Designer
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Registered: Jun 13 2007
Posts: 2
I do this often using layers (OCG).

Thom Parker has a nice solution here:

You can use a hidden combo box, button, pretty much whatever you would like to turn the layers off an on.
Registered: Jul 19 2010
Posts: 18
Thanks so much--I read the info on Thom Parker's layers as well, so this is the route I will do. Since I am a little new, I am not quite sure how to 'put' the additional graphic of the subsidiary. I guess I first do a layer, and then import the graphic somehow, or do I do this via Javascript?
Thanks again,
Registered: May 20 2006
Posts: 20
If you decide to try the button method, here's some more detailed instructions:

1. Create button--
Using the button field tool create a button the same size as the company logo. In the Options tab of the Button Properties dialog, set Layout to Icon Only--this will allow you to choose and icon by browsing for the graphic file (I've used .PDFs and .BMPs) on your PC. Then, in the General Properties tab, set the properties to Read Only.

2. Check box for selecting subsidiary--
If you already have a checkbox on your form, you could set the value in the Options tab to "Yes."

3. Script to show subsidiary logo--
Now, place a custom calculation script in any text field on your document.

var CB = this.getField("Check_Box_name").value;
if (CB != "Yes"){this.getField("Button_name").display = display.hidden;}
else {this.getField("Button_name").display = display.visible;}

Senior Forms Designer
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Registered: Jul 19 2010
Posts: 18
Steve, this works great and is exactly what i needed....Thanks so much and have a nice weekend. Mark
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
It is also possible to create icon streams within a PDF and then use this stream to change a button's icon.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jul 19 2010
Posts: 18
Thanks George--I will keep that in mind for the future as well.
Take care, Mark