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How to map a network printer from a PDF file

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 3

I have a PDF file of a Floor plan of my building. I used the rectangle tool to create an icon to represent the different locations for all the network printers on the floor. I would like to give this to people and have then click on a printer and have that printer added(mapped) to there computer so then may print to it in the future...... IS THIS POSSIBLE?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.3, Windows
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202

if the name of the printer is the same everywhere in your system you can select it by it's name.

See this thread for more information.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Nov 12 2009
Posts: 3
Im not trying to have them just print to it. This will be for new hires, in order for then to setup there computer to one of the MFD printers or to a color printer. Which ever one is closer to there location. this is a huge floor with printers scattered all over the place and there not all the same printers. I am trying to make adding a network printer easier for the new people. If more clarification is required, just ask i will be more then happy to answer your questions.