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How to reorder / rearrange the List_box items?

Registered: Apr 21 2009
Posts: 9

Hi all,
can anybody please tell me how we can set the list_box listitems order :
example i have following items in list box

Item no 1
Item no 2
Item no 3
Item no 4
Item no 5

i want to show them in list_box in following order

Item no 4
Item no 5
Item no 1
Item no 2
Item no 3

how to rearrange the list items
can i set the item order like

ITEM OrderId
Item no 1 3
Item no 2 4
Item no 3 5
Item no 4 1
Item no 5 2

waiting for answer.......thanks in advance.


Registered: Feb 15 2006
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