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How to show/hide mutually exclusive radio buttons using check box

Registered: Mar 6 2008
Posts: 5

Adoobe Acrobat 8.1 pro.

Is it possible to hide/show mutually exclusive (same name) radio buttons using check box?

Very often I come accross situation that by 'ticking' one check box two or more radio buttons will become visible.

Hiding and Showing Form Fields example by Thom Parker is not helping because both radio buttons have the same name. Is it possible to make radio buttons or same name check boxes show/hide based on their export values?

Any help will be appreciated. I have limited knowledge of java script so if possible please provide step by step guidance.

Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
What is the code and where is it located?

The location of the code can sometimes affect how "event.vlaue" appears to the scirpt.

Try the following for the "Mouse Enter" action:
// some degbugging code
console.println("Mouse Enter : ");
console.println("event.value: " + event.value);
console.println(" " + (this.getField(;
// end debugging code"On Focus" action:
// some degbugging code
console.println("On Focus : ");
console.println("event.value: " + event.value);
console.println(" " + (this.getField(;
// end debugging code"Mouse Up" action:
// some degbugging code
console.println("Mouse Up: : ");
console.println("event.value: " + event.value);
console.println(" " + (this.getField(;
// end debugging code
this.getField("YesNo").display = display.hidden;
if (this.getField( != "Off"){
this.getField("YesNo").display = display.visible;

and the "On Blur" action:
// some degbugging code
console.println("On Blur : ");
console.println("event.value: " + event.value);
console.println(" " + (this.getField(;
// end debugging code

George Kaiser