I am in search of the proper syntax for using 'setAction()' to perform a MouseUp action on a radio button. My target is the second radio button in a 2 button set.
My script attached to a button "A" sets the value of a radio button named "rdo.S.HasAgent" to "No" and thereby causes the button to appear selected. However, merely setting the value of "rdo.S.HasAgent" does not trigger the actions attached to it. I am hoping I can use 'setAction()' to actually trigger the actions attached to the target radio button's MouseUp event. Here is my script as it exists without "setAction()" employed.
var rdoSA1 = this.getField("rdo.S.HasAgent.1")//the ".1" is the index of the second button in the set of 2 buttons
if (event.target.value == "No")
rdoSA1.value = "No"
Your help in how to use setAction() to perform a MouseUp action would be much appreciated, and thank you.
George Kaiser