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I want to use a combo box to determine the value / visability of text

Registered: Dec 4 2009
Posts: 27

Im sorry I have asked for alot of help the last few day's. I am trying to make a form work more efficently to help get medication to elderly patients that are in pain faster.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a combobox named Combo1 which contains 3 choices: First, Second, Third

when a user chooses one of these I want th following to occur to Text1:

First = Text1 "hidden / not printable"

Second = Text1 "Visable" with the text "Second Note"

Third = Text1 "Visable" with the text "Third Note"

I know how to use a custom keystroke script on the combo box to populate the text field with the message I want, but I cannot figure out how to set visabliity functions.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.7, Windows
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2399
Did you look at the display property of the field object in the reference?

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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Registered: Dec 4 2009
Posts: 27
I want the combo box choice selection to determine if the box is hidden or visable as well as determine what the text in the box is to be.