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If text field empty, hide. If text present, run calculation.

Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 68

I am trying to calculate a discount, but the discount is only available if a text field is filled (Sponsor Membership No). After reading lots of forum posts, I tried this:

var sub = +getField("Subtotal").value;
var sps = +getField("Sponsor Membership No");
if (sps == Null) {
event.value = "";
} else {
event.value = sub * 0.2;

I also need this to be a negative number, but I can't even get it working as a positive. I hope someone can show me where I went wrong. Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Try this:

var sub = +getField("Subtotal").value;var sps = getField("Sponsor Membership No").valueAsString; if (!sps) {event.value = "";} else {event.value = -sub * 0.2;}

But this is a bit more straighforward:

var sub = +getField("Subtotal").value;var sps = getField("Sponsor Membership No").valueAsString; if (sps) {event.value = -sub * 0.2;} else {event.value = "";}

And better yet:
(function () {var sub = +getField("Subtotal").value;var sps = getField("Sponsor Membership No").valueAsString;event.value = sps ? (-sub * 2) : "";})();

You forgot to get the value of the field. Also, a field value will never be equal to the special JavaScript value of null (not Null), so it's misleading to test for it.

Registered: Dec 8 2008
Posts: 68
Thank you, George!