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Import FDF data using an URL

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138

Is it possible to use the import FDF data using a URL?

When I use the Import Data option on a Page Open action I get an error that says "File does not begin with '%FDF-' ". When I creat a Javascript on a Page Open action it still prompts me to browse for the .fdf file.

this.importAnFDF ("http:\\\data\DRAW\List_data.fdf");

Can someone point me in the right direction on this?

Thanks in advance for your help.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
You can't use importAnFDF to load an FDF from a web server, but you can submit a request to a web server which can return an FDF, but this involves programming the server to respond correctly.

Registered: Sep 19 2007
Posts: 138
Can you give me a few more details on what I would need to do to set up the code to request to a web server to return the FDF file?? And also what would be involved in updating the server to respond correctly.

Thanks for your help.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
To submit to a web server, you can set up a button that has a "Submit Form" action, or a JavaScript action that uses the doc.submitForm method. To indicate to Acrobat the it should expect an FDF response from the server, append "#FDF" to the URL that the form is submitting to.

On the server side, it would have to be programmed to accept and respond to the form submission, perhaps with the help of the FDF Toolkit:

Its documentation has some examples.
