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Incorrect Time in Dynamic Stamps

Registered: Sep 28 2007
Posts: 2

Why are my dynamic stamps displaying the incorrect date and time, even though the system's clock shows the correct time? I am running Acrobat 7 on OS X.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.0, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 17 2005
Posts: 14
For some “odd” reason Acrobat 7.x initially grabs the time from the Apple System Preferences for Date and Time, however for the rest of the session it maintains it’s own clock. In other words, if you launch Acrobat 7.x and the time is 7:04 a.m. That is the time that Acrobat uses as it’s base for time for the Dynamic stamp. Now the time is kept correctly but if you attempt to change the System Preferences to say adjust for a time zone change it doesn’t work and the change is not reflected correctly. If you want the change to show in Acrobat 7.x, you will need to exit and then relaunch Acrobat 7.x. Then the change will be reflected in the Dynamic stamp.

Acrobat 8.x differs in behavior in that once the change is made in the System Preferences then the change in the Dynamic stamp time is reflected.

I hope this answers your question

Tim Huff
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Tim Huff
North American TAM Manager
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