I am new to the plug-in creation.
I want to write a plug-in that invokes the inbuilt OCR facility provided by the Acrobat professional. I am using Acrobat Professional 7. Here In the "Document" menu, there is a menu item "Recognize Text using OCR" which is a popup menu item and in that first submenu item is "Start".
This "Start" is the menu item I want to invoke.
I tried to get the menu item names by using app.listMenuItems() in the JavaScript editor, but it does not give me the result for this submenu item.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
First, my company has a Free tool that lists the Menu Items in a nice report format that is easier to use than the results returned in the JS editor. It is called the "Menu Item and Toolbar Report Generator" and it adds a custom toolbar to Acrobat to generate a report for all the Menu Item names or toolbar button names. I think this will make it easier for you to see these items. You can download it from this page-
As you have found, the Menu Item names in the User Interface of Acrobat and the programmtic names used under the covers are not the same. However, they do follow the exact same order when you run the Menu Item report. So looking at the list of Menu Item names under "Document" you see the first item in the User Interface is "Attach a File" and if you follow the list down you will note that "Recognize Text Using OCR" in the UI corresponds with "Paper Capture" in the report list, and all of the sub-menus are under that category.
Hope that helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions