Hi there,
I wondered if anyone knows of a JavaScript that can take multiple PDF documents and digitally sign them using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro? Or by creating new commands for the batch processing feature?
Any help would be great.
PS if there are any 3rd party plugins that can do this, please point me in the right direction.
Kind regards
EDIT: I've been researching this today and I've downloaded the Acrobat SDK. I have used the example named "sdkAddSignature.js". I placed this file in the JavaScripts folder, and this created a drop down menu, which allows me to sign my PDF with the click of a button. My problem is that I want to utilise this script and use it in batch processing mode. I created a new batch sequence, one that executes javascript. I copied this javascript code into the execute javascript feature in Acrobat 9 pro:
Copyright 1998-2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
All rights reserved.
NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file
in accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement
accompanying it. If you have received this file from a source other
than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it
requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
- Folder level Acrobat JavaScript file.
* sdkAddSignature.js
* Folder Javascript Created by Acrobat SDK.
* This JavaScript sample shows you can programmatically sign a PDF document using
* your digital ID file.
* As a sample, this file has included all the digital signature information
* except the path and password for the digital ID file to be used.
* When you are ready to sign a PDF, click the newly added "Add My Signature"
* menu item under the Tools>Acrobat SDK JavaScript menu.
* After you input the platform independent path and
* the password through a dialog, the program will create a digital
* signature field in the top-left corner, and sign it with your data. The path
* and password are valid in a Acrobat session, so you can continue to sign more
* documents in the session without the input dialogs.
* If you change the code to specify the path and password for the digital ID
* file to be used in this file, then when you click the menu item, the program will
* go automatically to sign PDFs without UI.
* Using the function SetUserPassword() and function SetUserDigitalIDPath() in this
* folder JavaScript code, you can call the JavaScript to quietly sign a PDF from other
* JavaScript code, or from a plug-in or IAC VB or VC program through function
* ExecuteThisScript( ). The VB and C Sample code is attached in end of this file.
* A digital signature file ( DrTest.pfx ) is provided with the sample for your test
* To use it, put it in a folder, and specify the proper DIpath ( e.g. /C/DrTest.pfx ).
* Its password is "testpassword".
* Use of an object to emulate a unique namespace.
* Object literals act like global variables
* defined within this particular namespace.
if (typeof ACROSDK == "undefined")
var ACROSDK = {};
* password to use the digital signature
* to test the sample without user input, specify:
* ACROSDK.sigUserPwd = "testpassword";
ACROSDK.sigUserPwd = "myPassword";
* path to the digital signature file
* to test the sample without user input, specify:
* ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath = "/C/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/Jonathan.pfx";
ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath = "/C/Documents and Settings/me/Desktop/Jonathan.pfx";
// other variables the user can modify
ACROSDK.sigHandlerName = "Adobe.PPKLite";
ACROSDK.sigFieldname = "";
ACROSDK.sigReason = "I am the certified author of this document.";
ACROSDK.sigLocation = "";
ACROSDK.sigContactInfo = "";
if ( typeof sdkMenuItem == "undefined")
var sdkMenuItem = false;
if (!sdkMenuItem) {
sdkMenuItem = true;
app.addSubMenu( {
cUser: "Acrobat SDK JavaScript",
cParent: "Tools",
nPos: 0
// Add a menu item for AddSignature
app.addMenuItem( {
cName: "ACROSDK:AddSignature",
cUser: "Add My Signature",
cParent: "ACROSDK:JSSubMenu",
cEnable: "event.rc = (event.target != null);",
cExec: "AddSignature(event.target)"
* main function
function AddSignature(doc)
// if ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath is not spcified, ask for user input
if(ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath == "UNKNOWN"){
var cResponse = app.response({
cQuestion: "Input your digital ID path:",
cTitle: "Digital Signature",
cDefault: "/C/DrTest.pfx",
if ( cResponse == null) {
app.alert("No input.");
// if ACROSDK.sigUserPwd is not spcified, ask for user input
if(ACROSDK.sigUserPwd == "UNKNOWN"){
var cResponse = app.response({
cQuestion: "Input your password:",
cTitle: "Digital Signature",
cDefault: "testpassword",
if ( cResponse == null) {
app.alert("No input.");
// create a new signature field
var signatureField = AddSignatureField(doc);
// sign it
if(signatureField) Sign(signatureField, ACROSDK.sigHandlerName);
* create a signature field in the upper left conner with name of ACROSDK.sigFieldname
function AddSignatureField(doc)
var inch=72;
var aRect = doc.getPageBox( {nPage: 0} );
aRect[0] += 0.5*inch; // from upper left hand corner of page.
aRect[2] = aRect[0]+2*inch; // Make it 2 inch wide
aRect[1] -= 0.5*inch;
aRect[3] = aRect[1] - 0.5*inch; // and 0.5 inch high
var sigField = null;
try {
sigField = doc.addField(ACROSDK.sigFieldname, "signature", 0, aRect );
} catch (e) {
console.println("An error occurred: " + e);
return sigField;
* define the Sign function as a privileged function
Sign = app.trustedFunction (
function( sigField, DigSigHandlerName )
try {
var myEngine = security.getHandler(DigSigHandlerName);
myEngine.login( ACROSDK.sigUserPwd, ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath);
sigField.signatureSign({oSig: myEngine,
bUI: false,
oInfo: { password: ACROSDK.sigUserPwd,
reason: ACROSDK.sigReason,
location: ACROSDK.sigLocation,
contactInfo: ACROSDK.sigContactInfo}
} catch (e) {
console.println("An error occurred: " + e);
* set a correct password for using the signature, so you can quietly sign a doc.
function SetUserPassword(pwd)
ACROSDK.sigUserPwd = pwd;
* set path to the digital signature file
function SetUserDigitalIDPath(idPath)
ACROSDK.sigDigitalIDPath = idPath;
VB code in an Acrobat IAC program
to sign a PDF quietly ( no Acrobat running on screen ),
using the JS methods in this file
' .........
' At this point, a PDF file has been opened, but Acrobat may be hidden.
' get acrobat form object
Dim formApp As AFORMAUTLib.AFormApp
Set formApp = CreateObject("AFormAut.App")
' access some object property in objects inside AcroForm.
Dim fields As AFORMAUTLib.fields
Set fields = formApp.fields
' One way to use a JavaScript code in VB is through fields' method ExecuteThisJavascript.
'Dim nVersion As Integer
'nVersion = fields.ExecuteThisJavascript("event.value = app.viewerVersion;")
'MsgBox "The Acrobat Viewer Version is " & nVersion
'Sign the document
Dim menuItem As String
Dim digitalIDPwd As String
Dim digitalIDPath As String
digitalIDPwd = "testpassword"
digitalIDPath = "/C/DrTest.pfx"
menuItem = "ADBESDK:AddSignature"
Dim jsCode As String
Dim jsRc As Boolean
jsCode = "SetUserPassword(" + "'" + digitalIDPwd + "'); SetUserDigitalIDPath(" + "'" + digitalIDPath + "');" + "app.execMenuItem(" + "'" + menuItem + "');"
' Execute JS code to sign doc
fields.ExecuteThisJavascript (jsCode)
'save & close
AVDoc.Close (True)
' .........
C code in an Acrobat plug-in
to sign a PDF quietly using the JS methods in this file
ASBool MyCallJS(PDDoc pdDoc)
if(!pdDoc) return false;
char jsScript[512];
char* pwd="testpassword";
char* digitalIDPath = "/C/DrTest.pfx";
char* menuItem = "ADBESDK:AddSignature";
sprintf(jsScript, "SetUserPassword('%s'); SetUserDigitalIDPath('%s'); app.execMenuItem('%s');",
pwd, digitalIDPath, menuItem);
return AFExecuteThisScript (pdDoc, jsScript, NULL);
The problem is that the batch mode gives me this error in the Javascript debugger:
redeclaration of const AddSignature
It repeats this error for the same number of files I try to batch process. Is there anyway that I can loop this command, or do something else so that I can process (sign) more than one document successfully?
I know its possible as ive seen it done; unfortunatly i wasnt able to figure out how at the time.
Acrobat 9 Pro