Hi I am new to the forum but I have been using Adobe Professional 6.0 for the last five years. I use javascript now to help me with calculations in forms so am very young at it.
I have a text field that will have any number between 1 to 100.
Anything less than ten will not be highlighted. If any number greater than or equal to 10, I would like the number either to be BOLD or fill the text box with a color.
Is this possible? I have been searching for weeks and trying different codes without any success. I think I am missing a link between the two calculations, as I did get the highlighting to work but on the text field below the one I wanted and when the number changed to below 10 the highlighting stayed. Do I need an If / Else statement. Or do I need something completely different.
I have tried compound If (AND and Or) I have tried fill color.
if (Number(event.value)>=10) {event.target.fillColor = color.yellow;} else event.target.fillColor = color.white;
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