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javascript problems

Registered: Mar 29 2007
Posts: 4

We have design ad application that use pdf form.
But in certain situation with different readers (versions 8.0, 7.0, 5.0, not 6.0)
some script have problems to find the object in the document,
when this object (button/filed/combo...) is outside the visible window,
for example the second page.
the script run at the open window event, and is soo simple:
var obj=app.getValues("nameobj");
this return null in certain situations.
why this happen?
do you have any idea?
some person have told me that my pdf is malformed.
i have the "field widgets" but not the "entries in the Fields dictionary".
but i have use Acrobat Professional 6.0.5 for design.
You think that the function "Reduce size..." present in the Professional can generate this problem?
thank you
Aristide Di Lauro

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Well, to start off, there is no such function as "app.getValues()" or an "Open Window" event. I think you must mean the "doc.getField()" function in "document script".

I have not seen this issue before. Can you post the PDF somewhere we can look at it.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Mar 29 2007
Posts: 4
yes I'm sorry i use this command:


and this return value null

you can get the file in this url
