Our computers are connected to our domain. If for whatever reason one of our staffs can't log on to their computer, they are allowed to use any other computer that's not being used. They can log in to the computer using their credential.
There are some specific settings that's required to have on all the computers as default settings and Stamps is one of them. Everything else has been taken care of and ready to go except for the stamps. The stamp tool is not a default toolbar button (option) on Adobe Acrobat Professional 9.3. Is there a way to change the default setting so that when they log-in a javascript runs and makes those changes? I have already created an application that will run as soon as they log in and will take care of the things that needs to be set, sequentially and I can also add the JavaScript in the list if it can be created to make the stamps show up.
Thank you
cName: "Annots:Tool:Stamp",
cEnable:"event.rc = (app.doc != null);",
cExec: ""});
Works in 8 and 9.
Best regards