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Limit Form Field to Alpha Characters Only

Registered: Aug 18 2006
Posts: 20

Good Day,

I have a form field that needs to be filled out with letters only - no numbers or special characters. I created a custom keystroke script to provide exactly that formatting restriction, however it does not allow the use of the backspace or delete keys. This makes it very user UN-friendly.

Is this behavior to be expected with such a custom script? Or can someone suggest a script to allow letters and backspace/delete?

Are there any backward compatibility concerns if this PDF were to be used with, say Acrobat 5?

Many thanks.

Craig S.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
It is certainly possible to create a keystroke script that behaves as you want, and it can be made backwards compatible to 3.02. Can you post what you have so far?

Registered: Aug 18 2006
Posts: 20
Hi George,

Thanks for the quick reply. My code is below. I admit to knowing just enough to be dangerous when it comes to JavaScript, so if the code seems not well written, please let me know.

if (event.willCommit == false) {
event.rc = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(event.change);

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876

Reasonable start, but I would expand on that a bit. Begin by creating the following document-level JavaScript:

function chars_only_ks() {

// Get everything that the user has entered so far
var value = AFMergeChange(event);

// Do nothing if there are no characters
if(!value) return;

//If user attempts to enter an invalid sequence of characters, reject it
if(!AFExactMatch(/[A-Za-z]*/, value)) event.rc = false;

Note that the AFMergeChange and AFExactMatch functions are built-in convenience functions supplied by Acrobat and used by it for the various built-in Format/Keystroke options available.

Now that you've set up the above function, you can use the following as the custom Keystroke script for a field:

if (!event.willCommit) chars_only_ks();

And that should do it. If you're interested in studying the details of the two convenience functions so you understand exactly how they work, post again.

Registered: Aug 18 2006
Posts: 20
Thanks again George. This is great.

As I said earlier, I know just enough to be dangerous so I can't honestly say I understand all of what your script is doing. When I have a moment I intend to study it more carefully.

Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Note that the last line of the function can also be:

event.rc = AFExactMatch(/[A-Za-z]*/, value));

but sometimes it's good to be explicit when trying to convey the idea.
