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LiveCycle Text Field Word Count

Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 2

I am really new at creating forms and have been struggling to get text boxes to limit word count instead of character count. I have seen reference to JavaScript to be typed in the Text Validation box but do not understand the JavaScript and which box to exactly use.
Also keep getting an error message upon Preview Design and actually upon opening the PDF. Once you click ok it appears to work properly but rather annoying. Send PDF to computer tech and he says I have something locked but can't figure it out.
Is there somewhere I can send my PDF and have someone look at it?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 2
Here is the error message I receive:

Script failed (langauge is formcalc; context is
script=lock fields
Error: accessor 'lock' is unknown.

Any ideas?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
This forum is for Acrobat forms JavaScirpt, not LiveCycle Designer forms or other compute languages. LiveCycle has a bunch of forums and developers have the Acrobat SDK forum.

Do you have a field called 'script' and 'lock'?

LiveCycle Designer has a "Scripting Reference" under the 'Help' menu option.

George Kaiser