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MAC, Acrobat(Preview), and Javascript

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 25

I have an application that uses application level scripts in a Windows environment. These scripts are placed in the Javascript directory. The files are located on the Internet and are opened with Adobe 8.? Professional through a web browser.

Now I need to make it work on MAC. I can make the Scripts work on Mac, but only with Acrobat. Unfortunately, I can't find any way to get Acrobat to open on the always opens in preview.

Can I run scripts in preview?
Is there a way to get PDF files to open in Acrobat from the web WITHOUT having to save them to disk and manually opening them?

I've tried useing Firefox, but the Content option doesn't list PDF as a file type to use an alternative with.

Any help would be appreciated.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.1, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
I'm going to be guessing here because your question is not very clear.

But I believe that your default PDF viewer for the browser is Reader. Is this what you mean by "opens in preview"?

If this is the case then there are two ways to get a PDF, accessed through the browser, to open in Acrobat and not in Reader.

1. open up Acrobat before trying to open the file in the browser. The system will use the currently open pdf viewer.

2. Set Acrobat to be the default PDF viewer. Typically, the last installed viewer will be the default. Maybe you installed Reader after Acrobat. Doing an installation "repair" should do this. There may also be another method I'm not aware of. On Windows you can set the default program associated with a file extension. I'm not to sure on the MAC.

BTW: this is not a JavaScript Question. In the furture please post your questions in the correct category.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 25
The problem is crossing a number of lines (they are quite blurry sometimes) so let me try to rephrase it so that it IS a javascript question...[believe me when I say, this is not meant to be as acidic as it sounds...this has just been a really long road with lots of people telling me that the issue resides elsewhere]

I'm having problems on the MAC with JAVASCRIPT for ACROBAT.

I have PDFs that are coming to me over the web. These PDFs call application level Adobe javascripts [they are application level because they call privileged functionality with app.beginPriv() ] . These scripts do not seem to be available through Acrobat Reader or Preview (the default MAC viewer). This is not a problem in the Windows environment because I use FireFox and set it up to open all PDF extensions with Acrobat 8.? Professional. I can't make this setting in MAC.

SO, the javascript question do I access application level javascripts from PDFs opened with a browser on MAC?