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make JS tool button trigger shared review "Publish" event

Registered: Apr 2 2010
Posts: 18


We generate shared-review-enabled PDFs with embedded document-level JavaScript that adds a button (app.addToolButton) on-open.

When user adds annotations to the document and pushes the button, we want that button trigger the Shared Review "Publish" event in addition to its other functions (popping up an alert and submitting the form).

It needs to work whether the user opens the PDF in Reader or in Acrobat (ideally version 8 or above, but can be 9 or above).

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Note that the users we serve are all over the world and we cannot (and cannot suggest to) install any folder-level JavaScript on their machines.

Thanks for your help!

Registered: Apr 2 2010
Posts: 18
P.S. An alternative would be for the button click to trigger some logic that would detect any unpublished comments.