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Making UI Invisble through Java Script

Registered: Mar 12 2008
Posts: 58

Hello All,

We are facing an issue in the Adobe Intercative Forms while making UI invisble through Java Script.

=>While making the text field invisble, the text inside the text field gets invisble but the text field box remains same .

=>Similarly for the button also, when we try to make the button invisible, the caption of the button was invisible but the button reamins same.

Kindly help us how to make the UI invisible completely.

Thanks & Regards,
Chandran S

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
Are you using LiveCycle Designer or Acrobat to create the form?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
With LiveCycle Designer there are 2 options "invisible" and "hidden". From the LiveCycle Designer "Scripting Reference":

• Invisible
The object is not visible on-screen, not visible in the printed form, and occupies space in the form layout. For example, if you want an area in a form to remain invisible until a user selects a certain option, such as the section for payment-type information in a billing form, you can apply the Invisible option to the text field objects used for gathering credit card information so that they remain invisible until the user selects a Radio button that indicates the credit card type.

• Hidden (Exclude from Layout)
The object is not visible on-screen, not visible in the printed form, and does not occupy any space in the form layout. For example, if you want a section in a form to remain hidden until a user selects a certain option and to not occupy space in the form layout when the section is hidden, you can apply the Hidden (Exclude from Layout] option to the subform that contains the various objects in the section so that the form layout adjusts as needed.

George Kaiser