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Menu button won't fill more than one field

Registered: Sep 24 2008
Posts: 140

Here is the code for my menu button:

var aFruits = ["Fruits",["Apples","Macintosh","Red_Delicious","Green"],["Oranges","navel","valencia"],["Berries","Huckle","Goose"]];
var aVeggies = ["Vegetables",["Beans","Kidney","Black_eyed"],["Corn","Sweet","Stock"]];
// Create an array to hold the top level menu entries
var aTopItems = [aFruits, aVeggies, aArmor];
var cRtn = app.popUpMenu.apply(app,aTopItems);;
console.println("You selected: " + cRtn);
if(cRtn != null)
   this.getField("Text4").value = cRtn;

For testing I've made the following array:
var oProduct = {
                       Macintosh: [3,"Fruit","1lbs."],
                       Red_Delishious: [7,"Sweet","1/2lbs."],

The button will put Macintosh in field "Text4" and works great. For the example, I then have fields "Text5", "Text6", and "Text7" that I'm trying to display 3, Fruit, and 1lbs respectively once Macintosh becomes the active value. Is there a clean and simple way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered,

Thanks in advance for any help provided,
The All Time Professional Amateur Hack

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You've done really well so far!! All you have to do now is use the selected value to acquire the other values from "oProduct".

For example:
if(cRtn != null){this.getField("Text4").value = cRtn;this.getField("Text5").value = oProduct[cRtn][0];this.getField("Text6").value = oProduct[cRtn][1];this.getField("Text7").value = oProduct[cRtn][2];}

There are tutorials and examples that show different methods for doing exactly this kind of thing at

Thom Parker
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Thom Parker
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Registered: Sep 24 2008
Posts: 140
I'm not sure what happened, but I just found my thanks in another thread titled "what exactly is mysql???"


Thanks Thomp,

Your help has given me another great step forward.

Thanks in advance for any help provided,
The All Time Professional Amateur Hack