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Menu item DIGSIG:ValidateAll in Acro 8.0

Registered: Nov 11 2005
Posts: 5

Are the DIGSIG menu items restricted from Javascript in Acrobat 8.0? In Acrobat 7.0 I could call the DIGSIG:ValidateAll item from javascript via a button or other trigger. In 8.0 this does not seem to work. I notice this is the same for other DIGSIG items. I also tried making a function in a JS file and calling this function from my script. This worked in 7.0, but not in 8.0
This is what I'm using: ' app.execMenuItem("DIGSIG:ValidateAll"); '
Thank you for your help.
Regards, Chris

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Menu items in Acrobat 8 are restricted in general through a white list in the registry. JavaScript in a Document cannot execute any menu item not on the white list. Read this:


Scroll down to the "Security Makes Life Difficult for Everyone" entry.

But! you should not be using menu items anyway. Call the JavaScript signatureValidate functions.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script