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multiple fields with same data - but only first set editable

Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21

I have a multiple page Acrobat document that needs to carry over certain user-entered data (client name, address, dates of service, etc.) to each page, but I only want the first page to allow the user to enter the data. That means, I cannot use fields with the same names.

How do I get fields on the successive pages to reflect the information entered on the first page by the user without that later fields being editable by the user?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.3, Windows
Registered: Nov 16 2007
Posts: 25

What I have done in the past is insert this code into the source field:

var tsource = getField("Text1");var tdest = getField("Text2");  tdest.value = tsource.value;

When creating the destination fields, use the same name for all fields ("Text2") and set them to read-only. When you change the text in the first, it should update all the others.

Registered: Sep 22 2008
Posts: 21

Perfect! Thank you.