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Navigate around in a PDF page online

Registered: Jan 8 2008
Posts: 2

Hi, Would like to know how to allow a PDF file to be navigated online as in: [link=][/link]

My Product Information:
Reader 8, Windows
Registered: Dec 1 2005
Posts: 122

Use buttons:

Create a button (Tools: Forms: Button tool) in the PDF file and attach NExt Page and Previous Page actions to them. It would be best to create the buttons in InDesign and build them into the document as master page items so that the resulting PDF files has the buttons built into it.

I am a long-time Acrobat user, an employee of Adobe Systems, and Maine native. I have created training videos for Total Training, consulted with people to help them better use Acrobat, and developed new business for Adobe as a Business Development Manager