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Need Some Direction on Changing Text Feild FontColor via Drop Down

Bob Casey
Registered: Aug 5 2009
Posts: 22

Hello I am fairly new Desinger 8.2 and need to change the font color of a text field base upon a drop down selection.

My Script editor language is set to Java Script and on click I have the following JavaScript:

if (xfa.event.newText == "White")
TextField3.fontColor = "255.255.255";
if (xfa.event.newText == "Black")
TextField3.fontColor = "0.0.0";

I thought I had right, but no go. I would like to know why. Your help is much appreciated

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
The color chanels are separated by a comma, not a dot. For example:

TextField3.fontColor = "255,255,255";

This code would work better in the Change event.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info

The Acrobat JavaScript Reference, Use it Early and Often

Then most important JavaScript Development tool in Acrobat
[url=][b]The Console Window (Video tutorial)[/b][/url]
[url=][b]The Console Window(article)[/b][/url]

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script

Bob Casey
Registered: Aug 5 2009
Posts: 22
Thank you. It work perfectly