I have an order form that has size columns (8 in total) that need to be tallied by size range (cols 1-4 are small sizes at one price & cols 5-8 are lg sizes at a diff price), the totals then each need to be multiplied by their respective unit prices and the final total for the row is the sum of the sm total and the lg total. The template for the size fields is Size1.Row1, Size2.Row1, etc. The prices are smPrice and lgPrice. Each row is numbered down the form in sequence .Row1, .Row2, .Row3, etc.
The customer can choose 3 Smalls, 2 Larges, 4 4XLs, 5 - Lg Talls, etc. of a particular product and the total field for that row needs to reflect ((3 + 2) * smPrice) + ((4 + 5) * lgPrice)).
I'm guessing I would need to use an array but I'm not sure how to set that up and to take into account if a size field is blank. I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro Ext on Windows. Thanks in advance!
Please explain more about your form. What are the values entered into the column fields?
Thom Parker
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