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New user not familiar with javascript

Registered: Apr 2 2008
Posts: 17

I have a form I developed in LifeCycle Designer 7.0 with fillable boxes and a print box. I would like for the form to be filled out, printed and then the fields cleared. It's okay if the form is saved, but prefer it to be blank. This form is attached to a procedure in a Web-enabled Lotus Notes Database that our employees can all access. I have read all 29 pages of entries in this FAQ and found the script for clearing a field but am not sure what to do with it. I clicked on the "Print Button" and then in the *postprint option I put:; when I put the file on the web the form fields do not clear after printing. I then clicked on the "Print Button" and put the following in the *docClose option: xfa.event.reset(); and the fields still do not clear. That is one problem.

I also have a text field that I have set at "multiple lines" and then limited it to 1000 characters. Is there an "easy" way to make this field expand as a person types and push the rest of the data to a second or third page if necessary.

I have the File/Form Properties/Default scripting set to Javascript. Please help and again...I am very unfamiliar with javascript and where to insert it and how.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.2, Windows
Registered: Mar 19 2008
Posts: 39
ZOWIE 1000 characters!

I would create a second page and put additional line capabilities into another defined text entry field.