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NEWBY! Need help with Javascript to auto-populate pdf form...

Registered: Feb 14 2008
Posts: 9

I am new to Adobe Acrobat. I am using Acrobat 8, professional.
I need the action of choosing an option from a combo box to automatically populate other areas of the form with different information. Here is the exact examply i am trying to figure out:
Combo Box:
Degree Program: [select from a list]

this selection (ex. Humanities) will then populate 2 different areas:
1. Tuition text boxes (include: Tution, Health Service Fee, Activities Fee, etc. - about 7 fields, all will have different values)
2. address text box - will state the address of the specific degree program they first chose.

Can this be done? If so, HOW! if you can tell me exactly, PERFECT, if not, please refer to references.. or tell me - this is java, javascript, a function available in acrobat, etc.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi Christine,

The link below is to an article at JavaScript Corner that explains how to work with combobox lists and populating other fields based on the selection from the list. Download the example PDF so you can examine the code to see how it is accomplished-

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Feb 14 2008
Posts: 9
Dimitri.... YOU ARE SOOO UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING! thank you so so much!
I feel like i should send you a present or something!

Thank you!
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Christine, thanks much for the kind words :) But, thanks should really go to Thom Parker for writing the article. I think you will find the material at JavaScript Corner, a growing library all about scripting topics, very helpful as you spend more time with Acrobat.
