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Opposite of app.hideToolbarButton function

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 20

Is there a function which does the opposite of app.hideToolbarButton ?

All I'm trying to do is be able to decide which built-in Toolbar Buttons my end-users see in Adobe Reader and not have them each customize their toolbars individually.


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you read the JavaScript API section on the "app.hideToolbarButton()" method?

To use this method, you must create a folder level JavaScript that is executed each time the application is initialized and you will have to add this folder level script to each users application JavaScript folder. The only other time this method can be used, is through the JavaScript Debugging console.

There is also no method to reverse the process.

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 20
I know how to use the "app.hideToolbarButton()" method. My question was- is there a method like app.showToolbarButton() to display built-in toolbar buttons like the Search button?
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
No. If there were the documentation would have linked to the method. Also the limitations on when this method can be used and where it is placed makes it pretty clear that this is a method for system administrators to customize the Acrobat/Reader application.

George Kaiser

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 20
Thanks for your input.
To be clear, I'm creating an installer program to copy my PDFs to people's machines, so I could easily drop a .js file in the JavaScript folder on an install. The question was- if there exists any JavaScript to make certain built-in, but not default buttons visible- like the search button.

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 20
After more researching I found the following Registry Key:
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-299502267-1715567821-725345543-1003\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\8.0\AVGeneral\cToolbars\cFile\cInternalButtons

This looks like the place to change the default toolbar buttons. Anyone have any idea on how to manipulate the keys?
Registered: Jan 11 2008
Posts: 3

I tryed to place picture to the button with this code. It works great in standard and pro but not in reader? Seems to work but I cant see the picture in reader - Can anyone tell me why?

var z=this.getField("resumeField");
var f=this.getField("myButton");