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Registered: Jun 1 2008
Posts: 6


I have few doubts in PDF scripting. My requirement are,

1) I need to save the PDF form data in to XML file.

I have used Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0 for designing the form and used the followin javascript with enabling "End user rights""",0);
This is working fine with Adobe Life Cycle but not working in Adobe reader.

I have also used the following method also in the same form but not giving the results / or any error. Need to know whether any security settings has to be made for the same to work.
this.exportXFAData({bXDP: false});

2) Java script is not woking in lower version of reader.
Is it possible to go for a version check in the PDF document before opening the file ?

please reply

Thanks & Regards,

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 19 2008
Posts: 63
1) All the security settings are outlined in the JavaScript for Acrobat API Reference (most of them anyway)

2) app.viewerVersion will work back to Acrobat 4.0 (per the API reference). I would make sure that the end-user has JavaScript enabled. First check-box in Preferences/JavaScript.

Registered: Jun 1 2008
Posts: 6

Thank you for the quick reply.

I have used the below javascript for exporting the data into XML with enabling the advanced option “Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader”.{bXDP: false});"",0);

This works fine in Adobe 8.0 Professional as well as Life Cycle designer 8.0, but not working in Adobe Reader.

Please let me know the solution for the same.

Registered: Feb 19 2008
Posts: 63
It's not working as advertised for me either.
Registered: Jun 5 2008
Posts: 15
Hi roshink,

I'm trying to do the same thing but got the same problem. This is what I found:

I have a question though. I created a from using LC Disigner 8 but I could not find any way to set "Enable Usage Rights". How did you do it? And have you found a solution or work around for this problem?

Registered: Jun 1 2008
Posts: 6
Hi andrewton,

To "Enable Usage Rights", open the same PDF file in Adobe Professional 8.0 and go to Advanced options ==> Enable Usage Rights in Adobe Reader.Still I am working on this issue of PDF to XML Export/Conversion from the PDF Reader.

Thanks & Regards,
Roshin Kannoth