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Populating Drop Down

Registered: Nov 6 2008
Posts: 47


I have a drop down list that is being populated from a selection of another drop down using the addItem script. This new drop down will only have two values.

Is it possible for a text field to be populated with the "non-selected" value from the drop down?

You can see the form at


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jan 23 2010
Posts: 2
I am very new at this but it looks like you could do an "if" statement and select the "non-select" compared to the Dropdownlist that is populated. Tell the system it you want to populate the text box"Textfieldname" with "bob if Dropdownlist is not equal to "Sue" then do an elseif and reverse it.

That should work and if your boxes are restricted from manual entries, it is a couple of less lines you have to write to get away from errors if your if statement does not cover invalid entries.