I am developing a PDF application for a hospital that consists of a checklist. The physician checks certain items and specifies details on those.
In other words, the form is collection of rows of items that begin with a checkbox and contain more details including form elements.
I would like to be able to print only items that are checked, so that for instance, a 5 page pdf file with only a few items checked would shrink down to just one page when printed.
What is the best way to do this. Currently, the form consists of script-accessible form elements (checkboxes etc) and static text. Even if I were to recreate each form so that every item was script-accessible and programmatically hid unchecked elements, I would still be presented with the issue of reflowing/re-rendering the page.
What are my best options for achieving this with Acrobat?
However, there is an option to achieve something similar in Acrobat: You can write a script that checks which fields were filled-in and then prints only the pages on which they are on.
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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