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Problems calling an JAVA2EE web service using JavaScript

Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45

Hi everybody

i'm trying to use a WebService in my xdp but I have found some problems with that. I have to try two ways.

first of them works fine. I have created a data connection and if I draw and drop the parameters and the button, it works fine. But I don't want to do it in this way.

In the another way I have done, i have created two fields, one of them with this code in exit event

var myProxy = SOAP.connect("http://host/AxisWSTest/services/Converter?wsdl");

var result = myProxy.prueba("test message");"" + result);
subformulario.CampoTexto2.rawValue = result;

Prueba method should to send this message "Ha enviado el texto test message" but it sends "null" instead of "test message"

With the first way, it works fine and I receive the right message "Ha enviado el texto test message"

What do I do wrong? any idea for that? Any suggestion is very appreciatted

Thanks in advance.


Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45
I have tried with this code

var valor = this.rawValue;

var echoStringRequest = {
var mySOAPAction = "http://host/AxisWSTest/services/Converter?wsdl";

var response = SOAP.request ({
cURL: "http://host/AxisWSTest/services/Converter?wsdl",
oRequest: echoStringRequest,
cAction: mySOAPAction

And the WS receive the value correctly. Would it be the right way? Is there another better solution?

With that new code, i have a new problem. How can I get the response?

I have tried with this

var responseString = "http://host/AxisWSTest/services/Converter?wsdl:prueba";
var result = response[responseString]["return"];

subformulario.CampoTexto2.rawValue = result;

but I have this error

TypeError: response[responseString] has no properties

Any idea?
Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45
I have tried to find some solution for this but i couldn't resolve it. Please, someone can help? Thanks in advance.

Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45
I have done SOAP.wireDump = true; and this is the code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
bla<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Ha enviado el texto blaand then, i have tried using

var result = response[0].soapValue[0].soapValue;

but I had this error

TypeError: response[0] has no properties

someone could help, please?
Registered: Apr 24 2008
Posts: 45
I have been trying this

var result = response["http://host:8081/AxisWSTest/services/Converter:pruebaResponse"]["pruebaReturn"];

but when I do""+result); I receive "undefined"

It seems like I can get the response but it's empty. Why if in the xml response is the right value?